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All Hands In
MiCGA is the voice of the charitable gaming industry in the State of Michigan.
The funds raised through charitable gaming licenses allow MiCGA's member organizations, as well as other charities involved in charitable gaming, to carry out the valuable programs on which so many residents of Michigan rely each day.

Our Purpose

MiCGA's purpose is to maintain the long-term stability of charitable fundraising in Michigan through legislation, collaboration, and education. We also strive to improve and streamline conditions for charities and other organizations engaged in this type of charitable fundraising.

MiCGA serves as a spokesperson for its members at the local, state, and federal level, and provides the membership with information on regulatory and legislative matters. We collaborate with legislators, the Charitable Gaming Division of the Michigan Lottery, and the Michigan Gaming Control Board on legislation that impacts charitable gaming activities.

MiCGA educates the public and non-profit organizations engaged in charitable fundraising, helps charities better understand the qualification, application and licensing processes, and assists charities and room operators with mitigating issues that may arise.

Need Assistance with the new Millionaire Party Portal? 

Please feel free to give our office a call at
(517) 374-9134 and we will assist you to the best of our ability.

You may also find the following links helpful!

Millionaire Party Portal User Guide

Millionaire Party Portal FAQ's 

Our Services

What can Michigan Charities do to protect charitable gaming?

Contact MiCGA

Let us know about any issues you may have with your events.


We can be reached at or by calling us at (517) 374-9134

Follow MiCGA on Facebook

and check our website regularly for updated information.

Not a member or your membership has lapsed? Please contact us about signing up or renewing or visit our website for more information

Contribution to the mission of MiCGA

MiCGA is the voice for Michigan charities on all aspects related to charitable gaming, and it is only through your membership and generous contributions that we are able to continue advocating, educating, and training

Contact your MI Representative and MI Senator

recent elections has brought in a number of new legislators. This means that MiCGA will be relying on our charity members to assist us with educating the new legislators, many of whom may not understand how important charitable gaming is to their communities that they serve. Contact your new or returning legislator to let them know that you are expecting their support on re-introduced charitable gaming legislation.


Charities in Michigan earn millions annually through charitable gaming fundraisers. This money is used to further their charitable mission, resulting in a wide variety of much needed services being provided to countless individuals.

Despite this, there are numerous organizations and individuals who are opposed to charities conducting these types of fundraisers. Reasons for this opposition vary. Some are opposed to gaming for moral and philosophical reasons, others are for-profit organizations competing for the gaming revenue.

This opposition is powerful, well connected and well funded. Opposition has been growing as more charities are making use of this opportunity.

Charities need to work together to counter this opposition. The Michigan Charitable Gaming Association represents the interests of charities and the services they provide. Become a member to add your organization's voice to our work.


Charities and room operators qualified or licensed by the State of Michigan are eligible for membership in MiCGA.

Member benefits include:


  • A unified voice at the local, state and federal levels of government working to preserve the viability of gaming fundraising in the State of Michigan.

  • Information on changes to statutes and regulations that affect the charitable gaming industry.

  • Monthly e-newsletter of activities and developments.

  • Education and information regarding compliance with charitable gaming laws and regulations.

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201 Townsend Street, Suite 900

Lansing, MI 48933

(517) 374-9134

© 2023 by MiCGA. 

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