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MiCGA Annual Membership
Charities and room operators licensed by the State of Michigan are eligible for membership in MiCGA. Membership dues are $300 per year. Benefits of membership include:
• A unified voice at the local, state and federal levels of government working to preserve the viability of gaming fundraising in the State of Michigan.
• Information on changes to statutes and regulations that affect the charitable gaming industry.
• Monthly e-newsletter of activities and developments.
• Education and Training on compliance and regulatory issues regarding charitable gaming in Michigan.Memberships are valid for 12 months from the time of receiving your new membership registration and membership dues.
However, for administrative purposes, the dates of your membership will be back-dated or forward-dated, based upon the date of receipt. For example, if your New Member dues are received December 22, then the membership term will be January 1 – December 31. Likewise, if your New Member dues are received January 5, the membership term will be January 1 – December 31. New and renewing members will receive a confirmation email stating the expiration date of your membership term.